Login Statistics by User

This article summarizes the features of the login statistics by user report, found under the 'Analytics' tab


The login statistics by user report is found under the 'Analytics' tab in the Admin portal. 

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The login statistics by user page shows an overview of the user login activity for your account. To be included in this report a User must be considered an Analytics User (they must not belong to a role that is excluded from analytics). 

Top three things that this report shows:

  1. Who has logged in to your account
  2. How many times a user has logged in
  3. Who is an active user

This report summarises who has logged in to the account. This is especially useful for those Admins who have used the bulk upload of users method to invite users to the platform or email invitations. 

The report will tell you the date the users were registered and the most recent date they logged in. If a user is on this report but does not have a login date then this is because they have been registered but are yet to login. 

The report also highlights how many visits a user has to the platform. This can be useful for the Admin if they want to reward dedicated learners or if they want an overview of user learning habits. 

Admins can see last login dates for all learners, as well as if the learner is an active user. An active user is a user that has logged in to the platform in last 30 days. 



You can filter by User, User Groups, and Active User via the shortcut filters at the top of the page. Click on the Filters button to access additional filters.

In the filter dropdown, you can filter by additional user properties, number of visits, date registered, date visited and App version.

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2. Columns: You can choose which of your users' data you would like to see on the page and export as CSV. Only the selected will be included in the export.


Report Detail


Column Name




User Id

Unique identifier for a learner


User Name

User name of the learner



Date the user was created in the system


Full Name

First name and last name of the learner separated with a space character

Appears underneath User Name on screen



Email address of the learner


User Groups

Directly assigned user groups that a learner is a member of


Number of Visits*

Total number of visits for a learner


Last Visit*

Most recent visit for a learner



Indicates if a learner has visited in the last 30 days


App Version

Current app version used by the learner


* Data in these columns are affected by the Date Visited filter


  • Filters on the toolbar can be applied by hitting the Enter key








Text filter on the user name of the learner


User Groups

Multi-select filter on a learners user group (includes hierarchy)



Filters learners that have visited in the last 30 days


User Name

Text filter on a learner's User Name


Full Name

Text filter on a learner's Full Name



Text filter on the learner's Email


Number of Visits*

Number range filter on the total number of learner visits


Date Registered

Date range filter on the learner creation date


Date Visited

Date range filter on the learner visits

This filter affects how some data fields are calculated

e.g. the number of visits will reflect the amount of visits between the filtered dates


App Version

Multi-select filter on the app version from the most recent visit


 * Active and Number of Visits filters are affected by the Date Visited filter


This allows you to export the report with the current filters columns applied to a CSV file. The export is not limited by the selected page size.