Image and Video Sizes


In Lesson px
Images 1000 x 1000
Other interactive templates 600 x 400
Scrolling media desktop and mobile-optimized  1640 x 924
Mobile-only optimized  1000 x 1000
Image waypoints 1080 x 1920
Background image 1200 x 600
Out of Lesson  
Banners 1280 x 720 (Middle Banner)
3180 x 720 (Full Horizontal Banners)
Course cover image 1000 x 600
Splash Screen 2000 x 2000

Lesson images need to be resized to approximately these dimensions so that they are small enough to ensure that they load quickly in the learner’s app.



  • Maximum size 40MB
  • The file type is MP3



Upload videos as small file sizes/dimensions.

  • Recommended file size 10MB
  • Maximum size 100MB
  • The file type is MP4, MOV
  • YouTube - Often better to download videos first, and then upload YouTube videos in the video template instead of linking them in the YouTube template. This is better for downloading lessons and quicker load times. YouTube template isn't supported with offline mode.
  • Vimeo - Often better to download videos first, and then upload Vimeos in the video template instead of linking them in the Vimeo template. This is better for downloading lessons and quicker load times. Vimeo template isn't supported with offline mode.