Launch Kit: Survey questions for inspiration

Gaining useful user feedback from your content is important and easy to implement using EdApp’s survey templates.

Survey templates are a great way to capture further in-depth quantitative and qualitative data beyond user behaviour tracked which is recorded through our analytic suite. 

There are four styles of survey templates available on EdApp: free text, multiple-choice, Likert and a quadrant format response.  Each template has a wide range of applications. 


Here is a brainstorm of questions you could ask to spark inspiration for use in your own program:

Metric / Objective


Template Style


How likely would you be to recommend this course? 1- very unlikely, 5- very likely 

Would you recommend this course to a peer?

Likert Scale

Multiple choice

Lesson design

How would you rate this lesson...

Multiple Choice: This course difficulty was... about right/too hard/too easy

I think that the course covered the content I was expecting.

The courses were arranged in a clear and logical way.

The lessons were of a good length.

Likert Scale

User Feedback

Free Text: Which of your skills would you like to develop further in future Ed courses?

Multiple Choice: Which of the following would you like more learning materials on?

Free text: How would you improve this lesson? 

What do you think is the most useful thing you learned about in the course?

Was this lesson valuable to you as a new employee?

Is there anything else you feel would be valuable to learn about in this course/ upcoming courses?

What have you liked/disliked about the course?

Tell us the most valuable thing learned so far

Free Text


"I learnt something new about..." 

"I feel more confident in my understanding of __ after completing this lesson"

All templates: pre/post content assessment

How do you feel the skills you’ve learnt through Ed are applicable to your daily work? What are your main takeaways?

Since starting this quest have you had the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned? No, Not yet I plan to, Once or twice, Several times

Free Text 

Likert Scale

EdApp feedback 

As a learner, do you feel satisfied in terms of convenience, access and quality of Ed? Please explain why.

Were there any technical or app-related issues that prevented you from completing lessons?

How can we improve?

In terms of time, the lessons were easy to include in my daily routine.

I found the reminder notifications useful and helpful to remember when to complete my



It was easy to access the platform for the first time.

Free Text 

Multiple Choice