Sharing with Editors

Share with editors: Working together on your course

Do you need to quickly and seamlessly share your course with a fellow team member for input? Follow these steps to make it happen:

1. Access Your Course: Navigate to the specific course you wish to share, and then click 'Edit’.

2. Share Your Course: Select 'Share' in the top-right corner of your screen, then select ‘With editors or publicly’. 

3. Select Editors: You can now search for a team member's name or enter their email address in the provided list. After locating them, select the user(s) you’d like to help edit.

NOTE:  You can only collaborate with people who exist in your EdApp organization


4. Add a Note: Include a note to provide context or instructions. It's optional but helpful. 
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5. Finalize Sharing: Click 'Share'. An email containing your note and a direct link to edit the course will be sent to the chosen user(s).


TIP: Users identified by the paper airplane symbol in the list will have the ability to publish the course.

6. This can also be done on the mobile version of the admin portal: Just click the 'Share' Icon on the top right. 

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