
Q: What kind of templates are available to me?

To effectively structure a lesson, you start by putting together a series of templates. We have over 70 different types of templates for you to choose from to build your lesson. Our templates are structured into a range of categories. These are; content, concept, multiple choice, numbers, relationships, games, surveys, and advanced. 


Q: What are content templates?

Content templates are perfect for transferring knowledge and introducing new content to your learners for the first time.


Q: What are concept templates?

Concept templates help you reinforce concepts by having learners amend sentences based on the content they have learnt.


Q: What are multiple-choice templates?

Multiple-choice template questions allow you to reinforce key content by having learners identify the correct answer from a pool of options.


Q: What are number templates?

Number-based templates allow you to ask numerical-based questions with templates designed for numerical assessment and reinforcement.


Q: What are relationship templates?

Relationship templates are most commonly used to reinforce the connections between related concepts. 


Q: What are game templates?

Use our range of game templates to reinforce content with gamification. This will keep the learner motivated and provide instant feedback.


Q: What are survey templates? 

Our survey templates gather feedback from learners about your lessons. They can add ratings or offer suggestions for future lessons.


Q: What are advanced templates?

Advanced templates allow you to take your lessons further by unlocking advanced features for presenting your content.


Q: Can I take the timer off that is on some templates?

Yes, most of these templates have a tick box where you can remove the timer.

You may also refer HERE for a complete list of our slide templates.