GIFs on EdApp

This article discusses how you can use GIFs to spruce up the learner experience in lessons, banners and branding

In lessons

Using GIFs in lessons adds variety and excitement to lessons that could use some extra flare. They are commonly used as animations or memes to add some variety, fun, and excitement to a lesson. 

GIFs on EdApp

In EdApp, GIFs can play a significant role in engagement by providing images that go beyond what you would normally see in an article or training manual.


Recommended templates to use with GIFs:

- Comparison

- Image Gallery

- Scrolling Media

- Image Waypoints

- The Elevator Game


Where GIFs will not work in EdApp:

- Scratch to Reveal Template (GIF will only work on the AFTER slide, not on the BEFORE) 

- Imported from the Canva integration 



GIFs can also work well with branding your lessons and can be used as Background, Thumbnail, and Cover Images. Though they will work as Background Images, it is recommended to use them sparingly as they can be a strain on some users’ eyes (especially if the GIF is rapidly looping for a long period).


It is recommended for GIFs to be under 1.5 MB for load times to remain speedy. It's good to note that large GIF files can eat up users' data plan if they are not connected to Wi-Fi.



GIFs can also be used on banners in order to catch the learner's eye and add an extra layer of interactivity on the home screen.

