Downloading EdApp - Learner's Guide

In order to complete cutting-edge, gamified EdApp training content on your mobile device, you’ll need to first download the mobile app. No matter what kind of mobile device you have, downloading EdApp is simple, quick and free. 


Step 1 — Download the mobile app by scanning the QR code or visiting the Apple StorePlay Store.

EdApp is best viewed on mobile, but you can also access your company’s training via




Android in China - We have additional app stores where EdApp is available:

  • Oppo software store (no link only on phone)
  • Huawei app market
  • Lenovo Store
  • Tencent
  • MIUI
  • PP
  • Wandoujia
  • V-Appstore
  • 360 Mobile Assistant


Step 2 —  Click Install.

Step 3 —  Open the app, sign in, learn!