Why you should run a pilot on EdApp

Here’s Why Your EdApp Exploration Should Include a Pilot

If you’re reading this article, chances are that your search for an innovative, cutting-edge platform to deliver highly interactive training has brought you to EdApp. Once you’ve had a chance to learn about what we do, and you’ve created your EdApp account--the really fun part begins:  your own EdApp exploration.  

This article will cover the main reasons why a pilot should play a starring role in your team’s exploratory phase. A pilot is a great way to give your team the chance to perform a dry run of our product, learn about which features would best suit your use case, and get the full experience of having learners complete training on the app.  

Launching a pilot is a great strategy for companies of all sizes, and can be as simple as these easy-to-follow steps.  Here’s our list of why we think your EdApp exploration should include a pilot:

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Puts our product to the test

Most people wouldn’t purchase a car without first giving it a test drive, so why should shopping for an LMS be any different? We have a multitude of great features to explore, and launching a pilot will allow you to “try on” whichever ones you’d like. As your pilot progresses, you and your team will gain an understanding of which features work perfectly with your use case, and which ones require further consideration before implementation. The beauty of a pilot is that it grants you the ability to embrace uncertainty while implementing an exciting new tool that will transform the culture of learning at your organization. 


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Insight on potential challenges in your use case

Once your pilot is launched, you and your team will gain invaluable insight on potential challenges that are specific to your use case. A pilot offers a low-risk way to test, form best practices and establish strong trouble-shooting protocols before official implementation. This is also a great opportunity for you and your team to get familiarized with common user errors across your learner base, so that once final implementation occurs, your team will already know how best to support your end users.


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Provides holistic experience to your admin team 

While your gorgeously-designed, gamified and modern training courses will be front and center stage, once your learners begin completing courses in the App, the value of our Admin portal becomes the real star of the show.  Our suite of analytics captures learner course completions and scores, ample data surrounding course progress, login statistics, and much more.  We capture the data needed to achieve a deep understanding of how your training content, and learners, are performing. The vast majority of our reports are filterable by User Group and by Course, and most are exportable to csv.  Additionally, Content Authors can include a variety of Survey slide templates, so that you can gather real time insights, while your learners are taking lessons. Survey slides are critical to building-in early customer feedback loops to gather real time insights that will help you shape and refine your training.


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Allows shareholders to come along for the ride 

If you’ve got external investors or senior executives within your organization with a vested interest in your hunt for a LMS, it’s safe to say that they’ll be looking for ways to gauge its progress.  

A pilot is the perfect opportunity to bring those stakeholders on board, allowing them to get a real feel for the project at the earliest stages.  By involving these key players from the start, they’ll be able to see and interact with the tool, allowing for true engagement and understanding of the project as a whole--all of which make it more likely that they’ll continue supporting your efforts.


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Gives you a clearer vision for success

At the start of your pilot, you’ll likely have gathered some key success metrics for your learning program.  As your pilot progresses, there’s a chance that some of these metrics may grow or change, especially once you understand how actual learners digest your training content.  A pilot allows some “wiggle room” here, as you fully learn the tool and its capabilities.  You may decide that your projected success metrics need a bit of adjusting, and this freedom will in the long run better your chances of gaining the metrics you need for a successful training program.

You’ll also develop a clear understanding about which EdApp features will help you gain the success metrics you’re after.  For example, if you’ve decided that a completion rate above 90% is the goal for your learning program, then during your pilot, you’ll have the freedom to experiment with features, like Actionable Reports, that can help you gain that completion goal.


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Sure, we can talk to you all day long about how great EdApp is because of what we’re doing to revolutionize the very culture of learning at work--but we’d much rather have you see if for yourself.  A pilot is your chance to see with your own eyes the remarkable effect that high-quality, engaging and fun training content has on your organization’s staff.  You and your team can get a taste of the platform in a low-risk setting, giving you the freedom to embrace something new, while refining your approach for formal implementation.