
Q: Which user roles have access to analytics?

Admin users can access all analytics within an account. Content Authors can access course progress analytics, and peer learning only.  Users with the Manager role can view course completion analytics only for the user groups to which they’ve been assigned.  Instructors will have a limited view of the admin portal to only include peer learning capabilities. This will include being able to reply to discussions, assignments and social learning. 


Q: What data are included on the Manager dashboard?

Managers have the capability to see the progress of the users in the user group they have been assigned a manager of. Once assigned, the manager will be able to see user progress in a visually schematic way which makes communications to users with low completion rates simple and easy. 


Q: How do user groups tie into analytics?

The Course Completion by User Group report provides course activity data and is shown per user group, so admins can see how specific teams are performing. Filter by user groups and/or by course to see only relevant data. Export the data to create your own custom reports. 

Note: User Groups are only available on EdApp Pro plans.


Q: Which reports provide insight on how my courseware is performing?

The Course progress report makes it easy for admins to see overall progress per course, and then can delve further into the data by clicking into each course, to see open and completion rates, average length of time spent on each slide, and percentage of users who answered a question correctly. 


Q: Which reports provide insight on my learners’ course completion?

The 'Course Completion by User' report provides course activity data and is shown per user. This report is useful to drill down to see which users are falling behind on progress in order to increase engagement. Greater detail can be accessed via the 'Activity Feed' or the 'Content Drill Down' buttons. Both these areas hold copious amounts of data based on a user and can be used for a deeper understanding of user interaction and learning capabilities. 


Q: I use gamification in my courses.  How can I tell whether or not my learners are winning stars?

Admins can see how users are responding to the gamification and motivational tools in EdApp with a summary of stars by accessing the 'Star Usage' report.


Q: If my users have low completion rates, what can I do as an admin?

'Actionable Reports' measure the success of learning programs and allow Admins to choose between a variety of actions to re-engage their learners with low completion and engagement rates. Actions include communicating to targeted learners through a built-in custom email and push notification system, as well as exporting the data via a CSV file.


Q: I use a lot of survey slides in my lessons. How do I access learner responses in analytics?

All information collected in survey templates are collated in the survey section of analytics, where admins can see an overview of the answers to each survey template. All responses can be viewed on the overview page, and can be exported into a CSV. Free text answers will be pulled through into the report which is an excellent way of seeing user feedback about lessons/ courses. 


Q: If I enable social learning on certain slides, how would learners’ interactions tie into analytics?

Admins can view social learning analytics from the 'Social Learning' and 'Peer Authoring' sections of the 'Peer Learning' tab.  Admins can see which users submitted comments or video, when it was submitted, as well as how many likes and flags it received. Comments can also be removed from this page.  


Q: Can I learn how frequently my learners are accessing the app?

Yes. The 'App Usage' page provides an immediate overview of the frequency of your learners’ app usage and the spread of app versions throughout your user base.


Q: How can I get granular information about a learner progression?

User performance analytics allow admins to dig into user activity.  Here greater detail can be accessed via the 'Activity Feed', which captures each learner’s specific engagement, or the 'Content Drill Down' analytics, which provide an immediate overview of the frequency of your learners’ app usage and the spread of app versions throughout your user base.


Q: How often do the reports update?

The reports update around every 4 hours, this is due to the amount of data that needs to be aggregated within your account. This can be up to 8 hours though, so please be patient.


Q: If I archive a user will I lose their analytics?

No, using the User Status filter you can include users with the status of Archive in the report and export it. (More on that here: Course Completion by User Filters)


Q: What parameters is course completion by user and course completion by user group based on?

Both of these reports are based on the live courses and live access rules in the account.


Q: Can I see reporting data of user group collections?

Yes, you can see this in our Actionable Reports feature found under the "reports" section of the analytics tab.