Course Completion by User

Features of the course completion by user page under the 'Analytics' tab




Column Definitions


The Course Completion by User report summarises your user's progress per course. It is useful to drill down to see which users are falling behind on progress in order to increase engagement and features an export capability opening up opportunities for further data manipulation. ccbu1-2

A user will appear in this report once the course is assigned to them via universal access, user group collection, or direct assignment to a user group or paths. 


In the report, the admin can see a variety of filters available for data drill-down:

  1. Course Title
  2. Users
  3. User Groups
  4. Status

The additional filter tab can be used to filter the following:
-User Status
-User Name
-Training Mode
-Due Date
-Course Completed
-Coursed Opened
-Course Published
-Custom fields (This can be located by enabling the specific custom field in the "Hidden Fields" section beside the export button. Please note that you would need to have created and enabled custom fields in the App Settings first)


Filter for Archived Users



Course Completion By User (CCBU) Report now includes data from Archived users.

1. Click on the "More Filters" button
2. Add into the "User Status" filter to "Enabled" and "Archived"

* For Edapp, Archive means Deleted.

* Using the new User Status filter you can include users with the status of Archive in the report and export.


Note this filter feature is only for the Course Completion By User (CCBU) report, as the Performance Dashboard does not include Archived Users

Filter for Previously Assigned Courses to Learners


The Course Completion By User (CCBU) report now contains learner progress data for courseware that the learner no longer has access to.

1. Click on the view more options (eye icon)
2. Scroll down and select the "Assigned Status", then click "Apply"
2. Click on the "More Filters" button
2. Add into the "Assigned Status" filter to "Currently Assigned" and "Previously Assigned", then click "Apply"

Note this filter feature is only for the Course Completion By User (CCBU) report, as the Performance Dashboard does not include Previously Assigned Courses to Learners


Export Data

Admin can click the "Export" button which will allow admin to have the flexibility to use the data as they please, such as uploading it into third-party platforms. The file will be exported into a CSV file. (The downloaded file will depend on what is filtered and currently showing on the Course Completion By User page. If it's filtered to only 2 users from a user group, it will only download the data for those 2 users filtered)


The Course Completion by User export has been formatted this way to allow admins to use the Excel functionalities on the report such as filtering and pivot tables.

In the table below you will see explanations of the columns that you find in the report (on the user interface) and the export.




Column Definition in report and export



Report or Export


Unique ID to identify the users


User Details

Username and Full name

Report and Export


Username of the user that is used to log in EdApp


User Groups

A full list of user groups of the learner

Report and Export

First name

First name of the user provided in the user profile


Last Name

Last name of the user provided in the user profile


Course ID

Unique ID to identify a course



Courses are assigned to the learner via one of the below ways:

  • Universal access

  • User Group Collection of the User Group or other user group that the user is assigned to

  • Direct user group

  • Paths

The course must be published, not archived, and have at least one published and non-archived lesson.

Report and Export


If a course has been translated and linked to multiple versions, then the data will be aggregated to show up as one row with the below rule:

  • If the course has not been attempted, there will be no data for language

  • If the course has been attempted but not completed, the data of the course that has the highest progress will be displayed

  • If the course has been attempted and completed, the data of the course that has the latest completion (if the course has been completed multiple times in multiple versions) will be displayed

Report and Export

Date Completed 

The latest date the course was completed (if it has been completed). Displayed in UTC.

Report and Export

Required lessons Completed

The number of required lessons that have been completed by the user

Report and Export

Required lessons

The number of required lessons in the course.

Report and Export

Times Spent (minutes)

The amount of time a user spent in-lesson (on all sides of the lesson) for all lessons in the course. This data will show up for incomplete courses as well.


Time Spent (dynamic format)

same as C13

Report and Export

Average Score (Maximum: 100)

  • The sum of the highest achieved score in all counted lessons in the course divided by the number of counted lessons

  • This calculation implies that non-mandatory lessons will be counted too.

  • This will show up only after a course is completed

  • The non-scoring lesson will be included in the calculation

Report and Export

Progress (0%-100%)

  • Representing the percentage of the course the user has completed

  • The number of completed, required lessons divided by the number of required lessons

Report and Export

User Status

  • Displays the status of the User as Enabled or Archived (Deleted)

Report and Export

Custom Fields

Additional data that you have configured here.

Report and Export

Clicking on a User brings you to a Lesson Level Detail view for that User/Course
Lessons Table Data


The title of the lesson



The course the lesson belongs to



The status of the lesson (Opened, Unopened, or Complete)


Time Spent

The total time spent by the learner in the lesson



The number of times the learner has successfully completed the lesson


Date Completed

The date the lesson was first completed


Best Score

Out of all lesson attempts, the best score achieved by the learner



The total number of successful and unsuccessful attempts at the lesson by the learner


Clicking on a User's Lesson record brings you to an Attempt detail table
Attempts  Data

Total Attempts

The total number of attempts the learner has made for the lesson


Successful Attempts

The total number of times the learner has successfully completed the lesson


Unsuccessful Attempts

The total number of times the learner has attempted but not successfully completed the lesson


Date Attempted

The date of the lesson attempt



The name of the course the lesson belongs to



The lesson the attempt record applies to


Training Mode

Individual or Group 



The score the learner received in the attempt



The result of the attempt (successful or unsuccessful)



Users with the following roles enabled on their profile will not be included in this report:

  • Reviewer
    • Once it is unticked, the user will now be a normal learner and will appear on the CCBU along with other users who took the quiz. 
    • If the user took the quiz on a “reviewer” role and the admin unticks it after, it will take a few hours before the user appears on the CCBU. However, if an admin wants to see the progress of that specific user, they can proceed to the Data Drill Down section of the Performance Dashboard
  • Excluded from analytics
Admins can check if the said user has the above permissions by following the guide here.