
You can now edit your course and lesson branding all in one place! Check out ‘Theme’ under the creator tool


Course Level Branding 

Branding can make the user experience feel very customized to your organization. The branding configured here will show on all lessons within the course. 

theme - logo

This will be the background image of each lesson.

Choose a set Color Scheme if you don't require a specific image!

theme 7

The color scheme includes:

  • Primary color 
  • Primary font 
  • Secondary color 
  • Secondary font 

Adding your brand colors will reflect throughout your content. See examples of where these colors are below.

Primary color 

  • Progress indication 
  • Primary interactions 
  • Buttons 
  • Lesson navigation 

Primary font 

  • Primary interactions font
  • Button font 


Secondary color 

  • Background color (if no image applied) 
  • Secondary interactions

Secondary font 

  • Header
  • Paragraph/body
  • Secondary interactions


Keep the course and lesson image simple or put a white/black overlay on the image in order to make the text easier to read.


Input the organization's logo which will appear in the top left of the screen throughout the lessons.

You can also apply a logo on the account level within App Settings. This will apply the logo to all courses that don't already have a course logo applied.

Square logos with transparent backgrounds look best!

theme 2.1

Custom CSS

This is an advanced way to design your lesson if you'd like more customization than the out-of-the-box designs. Please see this article for more details.

If the account has Global CSS applied in the 'App Settings' then these will be set as the default on all courses.

Design on Canva

"Upload an image" or choose to design your branding via our Canva integration. Any assets with the crown icon will denote that it is part of a Canva-paid plan. You can sign up for a free Canva account to use the images without the crown icon for free. 

theme 3

Other free image sites: Unsplash and Pexels.

Lesson Level Branding 

Branding on a lesson level is similar to the course level.

To access lesson branding, select a lesson and then select the Lesson option for the logo and background.

lesson theme  1

Images can then be added in the following ways:

Lesson Background – this will be the background of all templates

  • The background will move across different sections of the image as you progress throughout the lesson
  • Choose a set color scheme if you don't require a specific image!

 lesson them 2theme 4

Keep the background image simple or put a white/black overlay on the image in order to make the text easier to read.

Lesson Logo – input the organization's logo which will appear in the top left of the screen throughout the lessons.

Square logos with transparent backgrounds look best!


Custom CSS

This is an advanced way to design your lesson if you'd like more customization than the out-of-the-box designs. Please see this article for more details.

Design on Canva

"Upload an image" or choose to design your branding via our Canva integration. Any assets with the crown icon will denote that it is part of a Canva paid plan. You can sign up for a free Canva account to use the images without the crown icon for free. 


Other free image sites: Unsplash and Pexels.


You can now preview the changes made even while designing. Just click ‘Preview’ and select one of the available preview modes (Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop)

You can also set the theme and CSS globally for all courses here: 
Global Default Theme