Manager Dashboard

Managers can only see data for groups they are assigned to.

Available on EdApp Paid Plans



There are three reports available for Managers

  • Manager Dashboard is a subset of analytics from the Performance Dashboard. This allows managers to check aggregated data for a user group assigned to them.

  • Course completion by user is a subset of analytics for a user group assigned to them. It shows detailed user/course performance information.

  • Rapid Refresh Quiz Reports - a subset of analytics as it pertains to the assigned user groups.


  1. Go to the 'Users' page on the 'Users' tab
  2. Select the user you would like to have access to the manager dashboard
  3. Click on the 'roles' section
  4. Tick 'Manager Analytics'

Roles and Permissions 2-1

5. Scroll up to the manager tables

6. Move the user group this person is going to be the manager of into the right-hand side table

7. Save 

Users must have the manager role and be assigned a user group in order to see the manager reports. (Not assigning them the role, or a user group to manage would cause them to not be able to log in)

You can assign managers to user group collections if you'd like them to have an overview of multiple groups

When the Manager logs in to they will be able to see the relevant Manager Dashboard. 

It takes approximately 2 hours for data to update.


Data Points

The Manager’s assigned user groups are listed in hierarchy format

Click on a user group to see specific users in that group


Data points that give an overview relative to the group selected

  • Number of users

  • Number of courses published

  • Average score

  • Average Completion

  • Export data to access raw data of the preferred table.

There are three tabs showing aggregated data relative to the group.

Users: Click on a username to show course completion for courses assigned to the user

Course: Click on a course tab to show user completion details for that course

It takes approximately 2 hours for data to update.



Advanced and Flexible Filtering on the Manager's Dashboard


Manager Dash flexible filters

Managers can access the results for all learners within their hierarchy, irrespective of the course assignment method. 


"Mandatory" and "Optional/Not Mandatory" course filters - This allows managers to better track the overall progress of the user groups they manage in completing mandatory courseware.

The Mandatory filter is available on the User Group and Courses Tabs.



Assignment filter - This defines what courses should be included in metric calculations based on the user group assignment method. For example, this allows managers to exclude universally assigned courses from aggregate scores. The Assignment filter is available on the User Group tab and it includes 3 options:

      • Exclude Universally assigned - excludes when the course is assigned to all users.
      • Exclude parents - excludes courses assigned to parent groups/sites.
      • Exclude children - excludes courses assigned to child groups/sites.