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  3. User Registration & Management

User Management FAQ

Q: What is a user?

A user is an individual registered on EdApp. They can have a variety of permissions assigned to them. 


Q: Can I invite others to the platform? 

Yes, we have a variety of ways in which you can invite users to the platform. See the 'User Registration' section for more information. 


Q: How can a user reset their password? 

A user can reset their password on the login screen by selecting 'Forgot Your Password' and following the instructions in the email. Alternatively, you can reset it for them by navigating to their user profile and changing the password there (See guide)


Q: How can I resend an invitation email to a learner?

You can re-invite users through our invite idle users feature, this will send a follow-up email to all those in your account who are yet to sign up to EdApp.


Q: As an admin, how can I delete a user? 

Navigate to the Users tab, and select the 'delete'. Type in 'delete' to confirm. This will delete the user and their records from the system. See this guide for step-by-step instructions.


Q: As an individual learner, how can I delete my account?

Navigate to "My Profile", and select " Account Settings". On the lower part of the screen, click on "Delete Account" and confirm. See this guide for step-by-step instructions.


Q: Can a user change their username? 

You can change a user’s username for them by navigating to their user profile and changing the username in the 'Email' field.  


Q: Can I send a push notification to an individual user?

Yes. Navigate to the individual user profile and enter the push notification you would like to send. Click 'Send Push Notification'. See this guide for step-by-step instructions. 


Q: How can I see how many users are in my account?  

Navigate to your program dashboard (the first screen you’ll see upon login). The number in the 'Users' section is how many users are part of your account. 


Q: Can I reset a user's progress?

You are unable to reset a user's progress. You can delete them and re-invite them to remove their completions.


Q: Can users outside our organization/company account access our learning materials?

No, users who are not under your company account will not have access to your EdApp training. Only invited or registered users have access to your content.