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  3. User Registration & Management

User Registration

Common questions on how to register users

Q: How do I invite users to the platform? 

You can invite users to the platform via invite links or via bulk CSV upload.

You can also create a user manually by setting up their unique username and password.


Q: What is an invite link? 

An invite link is a unique link that is auto-generated and allows users to register themselves to EdApp seamlessly to get access to the content you have assigned them. This method is great if you don't have a list of emails handy.


Q: How do I set up an account-wide invite link? 

In the Admin portal, click the 'Users' tab and then 'Invite Users'. The option to ‘Invite by link’ is visible on the right with an auto-generated unique link ready to be copied or downloaded as a QR code and distributed to users. See this guide for step-by-step instructions.


Q: What is an invite code? 

An invite code is a unique code that you set up for registration purposes. Users register with the code to get access to the content you have assigned them. 


Q: How do I set up an account-wide invite code? 

In the Admin portal, click the Users tab > Invite Users > Settings. See this guide for step-by-step instructions. 


Q: How do I set up a user-group-specific invite link? 

In the Admin portal, click the 'Users' tab and then 'User Groups'. Click the specific user group and then scroll down to the 'Invite new users' section. The unique, auto-generated invite link for that user group is available to be copied or downloaded as a QR code and distributed to users.


Q: How do I set up a user-group-specific invite code? 

In the Admin portal, click the 'Users' tab and then 'User Groups'. Click the specific user group and then scroll down to the 'Invite new users' section. Select ‘Advanced settings’ and a modal will appear allowing for manual code input.

Note: User Group invite links and codes are only available on EdApp Pro plans. 


Q: What is CSV upload? 

CSV upload is used to bulk invite users to the platform. See this guide for step-by-step instructions. 


Q: Can I customize the registration email users receive? 

You can customize the subject line that is sent to your users. 


Q: Can the registration email be translated?

We do not support this functionality at this time.


Q: How do I set up Single Sign On (SSO)? 

Please speak to a member of our team (support@edapp.com or your dedicated Client Success Manager) to discuss this further. 


Q: How do I register to access my company’s training? 

Download the app or visit edapp.com to sign in with the credentials or invite code you have been provided. See this guide for step-by-step instructions. 


Q: How does a Learner log in? 

A learner logs in through the app or by visiting here: https://web.edapp.com/#login.


Q: How does an Admin/Manager log in? 

To access the Admin portal or Manager’s Dashboard, visit here: https://admin.edapp.com/login. An Admin/Manager can also log in as a learner through the app. 


Q: One of my users has signed up with the wrong email address but started their learning. How can I change this to their right email address without losing their progress?

You need to go to this user's profile and in their email box (at the top of their profile) you can change their old email to the new one. Make sure you click save, then the user can log in with the new email address.


Q: I have tried to sign up a learner but the system is telling me that I can't sign them up. What do I do?

This is most probably because their email address has been used in the system already. Please contact us through our live chat feature or support@edapp.com and a representative will help you to resolve the issue. 


Q: What does archiving a user do?

Archiving a user will delete the user and all their progress. This is something we cannot recover.


Q: What is an "active user"?

A user is "active" when they have completed, unlocked, or opened a lesson during the month. So it should not count learners who only open the app (unless a new lesson was added that the learner hadn't seen before and therefore marked as unlocked).