Measure The Success of Your Program

Clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) support all programs as a way to measure the ongoing effectiveness of your learning program.


Not sure where to start?

Here are some common benchmarks for certain industries

Construction / Manufacturing

  • Safety compliance training: 95% completion with a 90% minimum score
  • Human skills training: 75% completion with a 60% minimum score
  • Training hours: 35 annual hours per employee - a mixture of self-paced and on-the-job training
  • Learner advocacy score: 4/5 from 3/5
  • Certification rates: 100% to be on site
  • Incident and near-miss rates: 0 incidents down from 2
    • Train on root cause analysis and continuous improvement.
    • Train on reporting near misses to identify potential hazards and improve safety practices.

Retail / Hospitality

  • Training hours: 20 annual hours for frontline staff - a mixture of self-paced and on-the-job training
  • Customer Service Improvement: Aim for a 10% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings after customer service training
    • Increase in mystery shopper scores by 10%
    • Customer NPS score: 8/10 from 6/10
  • Sales Performance: 5-15% improvement in sales metrics.
    • Increase in average transaction value, and upselling success rate after employees undergo sales training.
  • Product Knowledge: 15-25% improvement in product knowledge assessments
  • Employee Retention: Aim for at least a 5% reduction in employee turnover rate by offering ongoing training and development opportunities.
  • Compliance Adherence: 95% completion on 95% minimum score
  • Reduction in Errors/Returns: Reduce customer complaints, product returns, or errors after relevant training by 20%
  • Learner advocacy score: 4/5 from 3/5

R&D Pharmaceutical company

  • Compliance training: 95% completion with a 95% minimum score
  • Human skills training: 75% completion with a 60% minimum score
  • Product training on current medicines: 95% completion with a 100% minimum score
  • Clinical Trial Efficiency: increase the efficiency of clinical trials, such as patient recruitment and data collection, after relevant training. 10% improvement in clinical trial timelines.
  • Training hours: 30 annual hours per employee
  • Learner advocacy score: Increase to 4/5 from 2.5/5
  • Certification rates: 100% earned on the main products

Using EdApp to measure your success

Once you have defined your goals, it’s time to select which metrics will best pair with your business objectives. The EdApp platform is flexible, allowing you to customize your admin account and content to best and most efficiently capture the metrics you need.

These metrics can evaluate your learning programs with the help of EdApp



Source in EdApp


The number of users who have opened the app.

This is usually the first barrier when you start a new program. We have seen that the learner is more likely to keep the momentum once they have logged in.

Login statistics by user

Completion Rate

Typically 60-98%

Percentage of users who have completed a course once they begin.

A high completion rate suggests that employees are engaged and motivated to finish the training.

Course completion by user

Performance Dashboard

Rapid Refresh Results


Learner advocacy


Net Promoter Score;

How likely are your users to recommend EdApp to a colleague?

Ask questions to understand satisfaction levels, areas for improvement, and the relevance of the training content.

Survey results at the end of a lesson or course

It's good to read the qualitative feedback too

Knowledge level

Typically 50-70% is applied to optional lessons

Have seen 60-100% applied to compliance lessons

The average score obtained by learners in a well-designed assessment; 

OR the pass rate of learners who took a final course assessment.

Assess the increase in knowledge or skills acquired by employees before and after the training. This can be measured through pre and post-training assessments or quizzes.

Course completion by user

Apply a minimum score to a lesson and measure the number of completions.

Knowledge uplift

The initial benchmark isn't as important. You would look at improvement from the post-training results to identify what worked

Demonstrate the increase in knowledge demonstrated from the start of the program to a post-assessment

Create pre & post assessments

Skill Application

Below 2 tries to complete an on-the-job simulation

Measure how well employees can apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills to their job tasks. Conduct on-the-job simulations to gauge skill application.

Practical assessments

Return on Investment (ROI)

Compare the cost of EdApp training versus traditional methods.

This could be in terms of increased productivity, reduced errors, or cost savings from in-person training (and travel costs).

Time spent in lessons

Benchmarks and KPIs vary depending on the specific training objectives and industry.

Customizing your measurement approach based on your organization's unique needs will provide more meaningful insights into the effectiveness of your training initiatives.