Available Data Points in Analytics

EdApp's comprehensive Analytics suite provides a number of data points for your programme. This article summarises what is available and where you can find it.


Completion Data

Performance Data

Registration & Login Data

Other Data

Completion Data

Data Point  Where to find it  Additional Information 
Individual user course completion rate 

Course Completion by User 

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable (CCBU) 
Individual User Attempts

Course Completion by User 

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable
Course completion date Course Completion by User Data is exportable 
Users with Partial Completions

Actionable Reports 

Performance Dashboard

Messaging can be sent to users to enforce completion. 
Course completions by user group 

Performance Dashboard

Course Completion by User

Data is exportable 
The average number of lessons completed in a course across a user group  Performance Dashboard Data is exportable 
Number of required lessons completed  Course Completion by User Data is exportable 

Performance Data 

Data Point  Where to find it  Additional Information 
Individual user lesson scores 

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable 
Individual Average score on a course  Course Completion by User Data is exportable 
Individual stars earned Stars Data is exportable 
Users who have logged in but have not started any course Actionable Reports  Messaging can be sent to users to enforce completion. 
Overdue Courses Performance Dashboard Data is exportable 
Highest & Lowest Performing Courses, Groups, and Users Performance Dashboard Data is exportable 
Total Time Spent in Lessons Performance Dashboard Data is exportable 
Quiz Heat Map Rapid Refresh Analytics Data is exportable 

Registration & Login Data 

Data Point  Where to find it  Additional Information 
User registration date Activity Dashboard Data is exportable 
User's last login date Activity Dashboard Data is exportable 
User visits

Activity Dashboard

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable 
Whether a user is active (has logged in in the past month)  Activity Dashboard Data is exportable 
Users who have never logged in
Activity Dashboard

Actionable Reports 

Messaging can be sent to users to enforce completion. 
Inactive users with low completion  Actionable Reports  Messaging can be sent to users to enforce completion. 
Individual user activity Activity Feed  With time stamps
Active Users
Activity Dashboard

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable 

Other Data

Data Point  Where to find it  Additional Information 
Total number of lessons in a course 

Performance Dashboard

Course Completion by User

Data is exportable 
Overall App Usage (summary of the last app opens at a high level)  Activity Dashboard Data is exportable
App Version Activity Dashboard Data is exportable
Number of required lessons available in a course 

Course Completion by User

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable 
Individual stars available  Stars Data is exportable 
Individual time spent on a course 

Course Completion by User

Performance Dashboard

Data is exportable 
Data for Restricted Roles Manager's Analytics Managers only see a section of data in the assigned groups.
Survey Data Survey The display depends on the survey template used